5 Reasons To Give Male Sex Toys A Try
Last updated on 26 januari 2022 Vibrators have long been accepted by society as something women use and own, even if they’re kept tucked away in a sock drawer. Male sex toys, on the other hand, are far less commonly used and talked about. But whether you’re single or in a relationship, you really should give them a go. Here’s 5 reasons why.Vibrators have long been accepted by society as something women use and own, even if they’re kept tucked away in a sock drawer. Male sex toys, on the other hand, are far less commonly used and talked about. But whether you’re single or in a relationship, you really should give them a go. Here’s 5 reasons why.
They’ll improve your sex life
This is the obvious one. Sex toys are specifically designed to make sex better. If you’re in a loving relationship, and even if the sex is spectacular, you’ll still be having sex with the same person for a long time. Variety in terms of sexual positions, scenarios, times of day and so on will all help, but adding a new toy into the mix can bring new excitement and thrills. Male sex toys don’t just have to be just for the man. PULSE, for example, is a vibrating sheath that fits over the penis, and provides incredible pleasure for the man and the woman. Try bringing sex toys into your love life, and you’ll soon see the difference.
They demonstrate adventurousness
If you’re a single male and looking for sexual encounters, sex toys are a great way to convey that you’re an experimental kind of guy. Leaving a soiled fleshlight by your front door is not going to do you any favours, but having a cock ring ready to go by the bedside table, or keeping flavoured lube to hand is only going to make your partner excited at the prospect of having new and thrilling sex with you. Also, being sensitive and confident with sex toys is attractive.
Not all sex toys are extreme
You don’t have to go straight in with nipple clamps and prostate vibrators – although they’re great too. Starting off with lube is fine – or perhaps suggest tying your partners hands together before you make love. The handcuffs and anal beads can come later – or not, that’s ok too. Fun novelty items like glow-in-the-dark condoms are technically sex toys, and whilst they’re completely stupid, seeing a glowing boner when you turn off the lights is really funny, and can be a nice gateway to more advanced things later down the line. Don’t feel the need to jump in at the deep end.
They’ll bring closeness
Experimenting with your partner will be exciting, but also bring you closer together. Going through shared experiences, be they visiting a new country or trying a new flavour of lube will bond you, and exploring your sexuality together is a really great way of truly understanding and growing with another person. Discuss your fetishes and desires frankly, and better sex and greater love of one another will follow. Sex toys can be an important part of this.
They feel great
This is the most important point. A fleshlight feels better than your hand – it’s supposed to. Cock rings bring a huge amount of pleasure to the equation. Why would you deprive yourself of this, because of some vague sense that it’s ‘not acceptable’? Screw any vague and indefinable sense of propriety – it’s hurting absolutely no one, and it feels great; ergo, do it.